Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Binance.US CEO talks on crypto as a solution to the United States’ ‘pain points’

 Published by Adrian Barkley 

Binance.US CEO talks on crypto as a solution to the United States’ ‘pain points’
CryptoDaily via
With the adoption of crypto being something that is slowly but surely happening across the world and specifically in the United States, there is one reason as to why the global adoption of the leading crypto coin has spikes in recent times. Speaking on David Schwartz’s podcast, Catherine explained that solving prevalent issues contributed to Cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, and XRP gaining more adoption outside.

Furthermore, she went on to say that the issues which have been very visible in other nations don’t seem to be an issue in the United States. Further speaking on the Chief Technical Officer of ripples podcast, she went on to say that aside from solving issues such as remittance in other countries, cryptocurrency has been working as an economic solution to the things that threaten globalisation.

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