Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Why Facebook Disabled My Account for no reason

- October 11, 2020 - Allen Richard Gucin

To say that Facebook plays a big part in my life is a bit of an understatement – as I’m sure it is for any other social media manager. Not only do I use it to keep in touch with friends and family – but I’m forever adding content to one of the many pages I admin, whether for myself or for clients.

Imagine my surprise when I tried to sign into Facebook one morning only to receive the following message:

Facebook disabled my account

My account was disabled? What does that even mean?

I tried to log in with another browser and I got the same message. Facebook disabled my account!

Facebook supplied a form submission page for those wishing to write to Facebook about their disabled account, and I emailed them basically asking why my account was disabled and how I can get access back to the numerous pages I’m an admin for. I explained that I manage a variety of pages for clients, and was always mindful about the content I posted – after all, my colleagues are on Facebook too.

After sending the email to Facebook, I sent an email to the friends who’s email addresses I actually had and explained what happened. Thanks to the connect-ability of Facebook, most of my friends were only able to be contacted by me on Facebook. After my first report my account was reactivated,  only to be disabled after a month claiming I was posting against politics and other national matters, which I never did on my post, pages or any related topics on my timeline. Their claim was based on my messenger conversations with my colleagues about the election which is supposedly private, but clearly that isn't the case. This obviously means that Facebook isn't safe for our personal conversations and if by those reasons alone my account of over a decade was disabled then no one should conduct business on Facebook or speak privately of any political or national matters.


  1. Did that to me to with out any good reason, I hope they get sued again

  2. Facebook has had millions of fake accounts, accounts linked to terrorismand political violence disable, often times many real accounts get caught up in the situation. I suggest you open a new account and avoid political conversations on there

  3. Wow! Unbelievable. I hope ur private conversations weren't breached.! I wonder why I haven't been deleated if they do in fact monitor private conversations. They don't mind porn I guess! Lol
